MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)


MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is an integral part of the Imaging Department in UIC. We have two scanners operated by our highly experienced team and our service encompasses a wide range of body areas, including:

  • Musculoskeletal imaging (spine, joints)
  • Neuro imaging (brain and spinal cord)
  • Body imaging (including gynaecology and oncology)
  • Vascular imaging (blood vessels and arteries)
  • Breast imaging

What is MRI?

An MRI scanner uses a very strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues within the body. Unlike X-rays, it does not use radiation.


You must inform the MRI Department if:

  • you have a Pacemaker, pacing leads or implanted cardiac defibrillator
  • you have had clips inserted to stop a bleed in your brain (e.g., aneurysm clips)
  • you have a metal fragments in your body, e.g. from an accident 
  • you have any mechanical/monitoring devices such as diabetic monitors, drug infusion pumps, spinal cord or brain stimulators, cochlear implants, programmable shunts or anything containing magnets.

Metal fragments, shrapnel and stents will be checked before you have your scan. 

Patients with orthopaedic implants such as joint replacements, plates, screws or pins are generally suitable for MRI scanning.

Note: if you are pregnant or think you could be, you must inform a member of staff.

The Scan

Unless you’ve been given specific instructions, you should eat and drink as normal and take any prescription medication. On arrival you’ll be asked to fill out an MRI safety questionnaire and a Clinic registration form. 

You’ll need to remove all jewellery (except a wedding ring) and metal dentures. You may be asked to change into a gown depending on the examination (or you can wear loose cotton clothing with no zips if you’re more comfortable). You should tell the radiographer if you suffer from claustrophobia.

The scan itself may take between 15-50 minutes. The radiographer will be outside the room but can be contacted at all times using a call button/intercom. During certain parts of the scan, you will hear loud tapping noises. We will give you headphones or earplugs to wear for your comfort and safety.

You will not get any results on the day. Your scan will be reported on by a Consultant Radiologist and the results will be sent to your referring doctor within one week. 


MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

How can I arrange an MRI Scan?

A referral from you Consultant/GP must be sent directly the MRI Department. We are not able to proceed without this. Once we receive your referral, we will contact you to arrange a suitable date/time for you to attend. If you have health insurance you need to contact your insurance company in the first instance to follow their referral protocol and obtain authorisation.

Are there any side effects to MRI?

There are no known side effects.

Can I bring someone with me?

Yes, if you are claustrophobic and would be more comfortable with someone in the scan room with you. The person you bring must also complete an MRI Safety Checklist to ensure their own safety. A parent can accompany a child into the scan room.

Have a query?

Why not check out our FAQ’s were you will find answers to many previously asked questions.

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