DEXA stands for Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. It is a test that measures the density of your bones. Using low-dose X-rays, this technique reveals whether you have healthy, strong bones or if they are thin and fragile, a condition known as osteoporosis.
Understanding the DEXA process
A trained radiographer will guide you through the process which usually takes approximately 10 to 30 minutes. You'll be asked to lie flat on a cushioned table while a large scanning arm moves over your body. It generates images of your insides, particularly your bones. The process is entirely painless.
While the machine is at work, it's imperative that you remain as still as possible. This ensures the imaging is clear and accurate, equally important for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. At points, you may be asked to hold your breath momentarily to mitigate any motion.
Once the scan is complete, the images will be analysed by a radiologist, a doctor skilled in interpreting these scans. Your doctor will then discuss the results with you, outlining the health of your bones and planning next steps if necessary.
Why might you need a DEXA scan?
You may need a DEXA scan for various reasons. Usually, your doctor will recommend it if they suspect you might have osteoporosis or if you’ve broken a bone and your doctor suspects it was due to low bone density. Other risk factors that might lead to a DEXA scan include being past menopause, having a family history of osteoporosis, or leading a lifestyle that includes smoking or heavy drinking.
How to prepare for a DEXA scan?
You don’t need to follow a special diet or prepare in any particular way. However, it's important to avoid taking any calcium supplements at least 24 hours before the scan. Before the scan, make sure to inform your doctor of any prior surgeries or if you’re pregnant. On the day of your scan, ensure that you are dressed comfortably, moreover, avoid wearing jewellery or any clothes containing metal.
Depending on your symptoms and any additional tests, you can expect to be in the Clinic for up to 3 hours.