Welcome to the Surgical department, where we offer a complete range of procedures from general to specialised.
The Clinic has a modern, purpose built-theatre and recovery unit staffed by a very experienced team. The complex is supported by an on-site decontamination and sterilisation unit, in line with current health service regulations.
Surgical procedures are carried out routinely six days a week. There is also 24-hour emergency theatre cover seven days a week.
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
Respiratory testing
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
At the Clinic we provide Maxillofacial Surgery which involves the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects in your mouth, jaws, neck, face, and skull. It extends beyond mere medical treatments to the cosmesis of your facial appearance.
We also provide Orthognathic Surgery, commonly referred to as corrective jaw surgery. It's designed to rectify conditions where the upper and lower jaw fail to meet correctly, affecting one's ability to chew or talk effectively and often causing long-term oral health issues. The process includes a pre-surgical phase involving braces to shift teeth, and the surgical phase where your surgeon re-positions the misaligned jaw. It’s followed by a recovery stage, monitored by your dedicated medical team.
Also known as root canal therapy, we provide Endodontic Surgery. Aiming to preserve your tooth, soothing discomfort, and maintaining your jaw's functionality - this surgery treats the core of the tooth, removing inflammation or infection, and prevents its recurrence. Generally, endodontic surgery involves removing the inflamed or infected pulp, carefully cleaning, and disinfecting the inside of the tooth, then filling it and sealing with a crown.
Our Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology services involve identifying and managing diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. These diseases might include benign and malignant tumors, salivary gland diseases, ulcers, as well as oral manifestations of systemic diseases.
We provide a full circle of care that involves diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment support, aimed at ensuring you get back to your full, healthy self again.
If you've been experiencing discomfort or abnormalities related to your ear, nose, or throat, we offer a wide array of surgical treatments that could help you regain your health and wellbeing by providing comprehensive solutions ranging from simple procedures to complex surgeries.
The Ulster Independent Clinic offers a wide range of ear, nose, and throat surgeries, among them is the mastoidectomy. You may need a mastoidectomy if there's an infection in the mastoid bone of the skull, normally caused by chronic ear infections. This can bring about symptoms such as a painful or draining ear, hearing loss, and sometimes dizziness.
The process starts with a comprehensive medical examination to check your suitability for the surgery. You'll also need to undergo auditory tests and possibly an MRI or head CT scan to provide your surgeon with a clearer picture of the mastoid bone. The surgery itself is carried out under general anesthesia and essentially involves removing the infected air cells within the mastoid bone. Post-operative care is imperative to ensure complete recovery and prevent any complications. The full recovery period is approximately 6 weeks.
This reconstructive surgery is typically required when the eardrum and/or middle ear's tiny bones are damaged, often due to severe ear infections or injury. Symptoms that suggest you might need a tympanoplasty include difficulty hearing, persistent earache, or notable discharge.
Similar to the mastoidectomy, your journey will commence with a series of tests (e.g., tympanometry, auditory brainstem response), aimed at gauging your hearing levels and the extent of damage to your eardrum or middle ear bones. The actual surgery involves grafting tissues onto the eardrum or replacing/repairing damaged bones. It's imperative that you follow the post-op instructions after surgery, so as to prevent an ear infection and facilitate optimal recovery.
Myringotomy is a common procedure performed at the Ulster Independent Clinic that people require predominantly for ear infections that haven't responded to other treatments. During a myringotomy, a small incision is made in your eardrum, allowing fluid to drain from your middle ear. This procedure can offer immediate relief from symptoms associated with ear infections, such as pain and reduced hearing.
You might need a myringotomy if you suffer from recurrent or chronic ear infections, particularly if these infections are affecting your hearing. This procedure is also often recommended for people suffering from eustachian tube dysfunction where the tube fails to open and close properly, creating a buildup of fluids or pressure which may lead to hearing impairment. Doctors at the clinic use state-of-the-art technology to carry out this surgery, ensuring a streamlined process and speedy recovery. The success of the surgery is typically monitored through follow-up appointments and, if necessary, repeat procedures.
In some cases, a myringotomy might be performed along with the placement of an ear tube (tympanostomy tube) through the eardrum to keep the middle ear aerated for a prolonged period of time. These tubes are often recommended when individuals have ongoing ear problems while they are under treatment for other medical conditions—like chemotherapy—or if the patient struggles with recurring ear infections.
The Ulster Independent Clinic ensures individualised care for every patient. The pre-medical treatment and constant monitoring potentially lower the impact of ailment progression during the referral period to the specialist ENT division.
Referrals to the clinic can be made for a range of ENT conditions, and even for the ones traditionally managed at a local facility, such as ear wax impaction. These decisions are made case by case, focusing on the patients' overall condition and the local facility's capabilities. In some instances, a remote consultation will be the first step, particularly under specific conditions and circumstances. Both traditional in-person consultation and remote consultation follow recognised quality standards and outcome measures at Ulster.
In the realm of ear surgeries, a stapedectomy is a common procedure that the Ulster Independent Clinic offers. This surgery addresses issues with the stapes bone in your ear. If you struggle with hearing loss due to otosclerosis - a condition where the stapes bone stiffens, preventing sound vibrations from reaching your inner ear - a stapedectomy could be a life-changing solution.
The process involves the surgeon replacing the stiffened stapes bone with a prosthetic, allowing those sound vibrations to once again reach your inner ear. It's a delicate procedure carried out under general or local anaesthesia, depending largely on individual patient preference and medical condition. You might experience a feeling of fullness in your ear or slight dizziness post-surgery, but these are temporary and gradually alleviate.
Before the operation, you'll have a thorough physical examination and engage in a detailed discussion with your ENT consultant about the procedure. Part of these pre-operative preparations might also involve the provision of a biopsy if necessary. You can rest assured that throughout each step of the process, your well-being is the priority at Ulster Independent Clinic.
Following the stapedectomy, it's critical to limit certain activities like heavy lifting or blowing your nose, as these could hamper the healing process. Appointments will be scheduled for regular check-ups to ensure the surgery's success and your recovery. Paediatric patients receive special attention and care, given their unique needs. The clinic aims to offer an environment of comfort and high-quality health care for all patients.
Septorhinoplasty is an operation to mend both functional and cosmetic issues with your nose. You might be recommended this surgery if you have a deviated nasal septum causing you trouble in breathing, a mishaped nose from accidental injuries, or if you're simply unhappy with your nose's appearance.
The process of septorhinoplasty begins with your surgeon making incisions inside your nostrils or at the base of the nose. Then, they'll adjust and reshape the bone and cartilage underneath your skin. Remember that it's usually performed under general anesthesia, meaning you'll be asleep throughout the surgery. There's often a bit of swelling and bruising around the eyes after surgery, but don't worry, this is usually temporary and will subside within a couple of weeks.
In the case of a deviated septum, the surgery ensures a clear path for the air to flow through your nose while breathing. On the other hand, for cosmetic changes, the surgery can make subtle adjustments to the shape and size of your nose, helping you attain that enhanced look you're aiming for.
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to reshape or resize your nose. Performed for numerous reasons - either to improve breathing or to enhance aesthetic appeal - this operation is customised according to your specific needs and desires. The procedure can be "open" where cuts are made outside the nose or "closed," where cuts are made inside the nostrils. Surgery usually takes between 1.5 and 3 hours, followed by a temporary splint on the nose to support the new shape as it heals.
The closure of the nasal septum, also known as Septoplasty, is a corrective surgical procedure that's aimed at straightening the wall between your nostrils (septum). When the septum is deviated, crooked, or it impedes breathing, this operation becomes a necessity. Whether it's a condition you were born with (a congenital defect) or the result of an injury, a straightened septum can significantly improve breathing and alleviate symptoms of sinusitis or reduce nasal discharge.
During the surgery, you'll be placed under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon will then make an incision in the septum lining and lift up the mucous membranes, which are the thin "skin" that covers the septum. This way, your surgeon is able to reshape the cartilage underneath. Once the septum is straightened, the incisions will be closed with dissolvable stitches and the nostrils might be packed with cotton to hold the septum in place.
Recovery typically involves rest and elevation of the head. You might experience some nasal stuffiness and mild nasal drip after the procedure, but these symptoms will abate over time. A successful septoplasty can dramatically improve your quality of life, particularly if you have been struggling with chronic sinusitis or sleep disruptions due to snoring or sleep apnea. It's important to communicate openly with your ENT specialist so they can factor in how your physical condition might affect the surgery and healing post-operation.
If you're experiencing continuous nasal congestion or obstruction which is not responding to medication you may have enlarged turbinates. Turbinates are small, shell-like structures inside the nose that help to warm and humidify the air we breathe. Turbinate reduction or turbinateplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of these enlarged turbinates. This typically provides patients with immediate relief from nasal obstruction, improving breathing and overall quality of life.
The procedure begins with an examination, after which anesthetic is applied. Special surgical instruments or microdebriders are used to cut away parts of the enlarged turbinates. To minimise bleeding and promote faster healing, a device called a coblator or radiofrequency probe might be used. Coblation technology uses low-temperature radiofrequency energy to remove tissues gently without causing thermal damage. All in all, the procedure takes around 15 to 30 minutes.
The pharynx acts as a conduit for both food and air, making it a region susceptible to various health complications.
Tonsillectomy: This common procedure involves the surgical removal of the tonsils, which are two glands located at the back of your throat. Tonsillectomy is often considered when you suffer from recurrent tonsillitis, chronic throat infections, or obstructive sleep apnea. The aim is to alleviate the symptoms and improve your quality of life. Before the surgery, a comprehensive assessment is conducted to ensure you're a suitable candidate for the procedure.
Adenoidectomy: If you're frequently battling ear infections, persistent nasal congestion, or sleep disturbances caused by enlarged adenoids, your doctor might recommend this procedure. It's particularly effective in children, who often experience significant improvement in their symptoms after surgery. It is a routine operation aimed at alleviating symptoms like chronic infections or breathing issues. During the procedure, you will be under general anaesthesia to ensure comfort. Surgeons will access the adenoids through the mouth, so no external incisions are needed. Recovery is typically straightforward, involving a few days of rest and mild pain relievers to manage discomfort.
Pharyngectomy: This is a surgical procedure involving the partial or total removal of the pharynx, typically to treat pharyngeal cancer. Before undergoing this procedure, you would undergo a thorough physical examination and possibly a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. A pharyngectomy is a major surgery, often requiring a recovery period during which you may need a temporary tracheostomy – a hole created in the front of your neck to help you breathe. You will be monitored closely during this time to ensure your body adjusts effectively to the changes.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP): If you suffer from disruptive snoring and sleep apnea, a UPPP might be an effective solution. This procedure removes excess tissue from the throat, including the uvula and part of the pharynx, to create a wider air passage and thereby improve breathing during sleep. Following the operation, you might need to stay in the hospital for close monitoring, but most patients can expect to return home within one to two days.
Adenoidectomy: The adenoids, located in your pharynx, can become enlarged and block the airways, causing breathing difficulties and recurring ear or sinus infections. If this becomes a persistent issue, an adenoidectomy is performed to remove these glands. It's a common procedure, especially among children, and usually includes a brief hospital stay for recovery.
Adenotonsillectomy: An adenotonsillectomy is a procedure that involves the removal of both the adenoids and tonsils, commonly performed in children who experience recurrent throat infections or significant breathing problems.
Positioned at the top of your windpipe, this organ is essential for breathing, swallowing, and speaking. Sometimes, health concerns may necessitate laryngeal operations, typically performed at the Ulster Independent Clinic. There are several common types of these surgeries, all supervised and conducted by a team of skilled ENT professionals.
Laryngectomy: A laryngectomy is an operation to remove part or all of your larynx, typically as a treatment for laryngeal cancer. Prior to the surgery, you will undergo extensive diagnostic procedures, such as an X-ray or, possibly, an endoscopic examination, to evaluate the initial condition. After the surgery, you may need to stay in the hospital for close monitoring. Postoperative requirements often include learning new ways for breathing and speaking without a larynx.
Laryngoscopy: This procedure, a type of endoscopy, allows doctors to view your larynx directly by inserting a thin tube with a light and camera into your throat. A laryngoscopy can provide essential insights into any abnormalities, like tumors or foreign objects, which may be causing throat pain, difficulty swallowing, or changes in your voice. It's typically performed under local or general anaesthesia and is generally out-patient, meaning you can go home on the day of the procedure.
Laryngeal Microsurgery: This operation, conducted with a microscope to gain a detailed view of the vocal cords in the larynx, allows surgeons to remove small vocal cord lesions or reconstruct the vocal cords to improve voice quality. Preceding the procedure, you might require diagnostics such as an X-ray or a careful clinical examination. Having laryngeal microsurgery can mean spending a few days in the hospital. As your vocal cords heal, you will be instructed by your doctor to observe voice rest, meaning no talking, whispering, or even clearing your throat, for a while post-operation.
General Surgeries operated at the Ulster Independent Clinic include:
Allowing surgeons to perform operations via small incisions, this minimally invasive surgery enables quicker recovery times and reduces the risk of complications.
Breast surgery
This involves procedures like mastectomies or lumpectomies to treat breast cancer, as well as cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation or reduction.
These involve surgeries on the digestive system organs such as the stomach, liver, gallbladder, and intestines.
Centered around the lower digestive tract, these procedures treat conditions like Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, and colorectal cancer.
This involves operations on endocrine glands to achieve a hormone balance, most commonly involving the thyroid and adrenal glands.
It's vital to note that any surgery is not an impromptu decision made by doctors. It only comes into consideration after other non-invasive treatment methods have been explored and found insufficient or ineffective.
Hernia surgery
This procedure is required when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in surrounding muscle or connective tissue. Hernias mostly develop in the abdomen but can also appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas. The type of hernia surgery you'll receive largely depends on its nature and severity. Generally, surgical options consist of open repair, in which a large incision is made, or laparoscopic repair, which uses tiny incisions with specialized instruments. Hernia surgery typically relieves discomfort, returns displaced tissues to their proper place and, most importantly, prevents potentially life-threatening complications.
The surgical process at the Ulster Independent Clinic starts with medical consultation and pre-operative screening. Before surgery, you'll meet with the surgical team for a thorough assessment of your health status. This includes blood tests, scans, and all the necessary medical checks to ascertain your body's readiness for the procedure. Post-evaluation, your surgeon will explain the procedure, including risks, benefits, and alternatives, enabling you to make an informed choice. Once the surgery is performed, you'll move onto post-operative care which includes necessary medical support, pain management, and a recovery plan. The Ulster Independent Clinic makes sure to stay with you every step of the way ensuring a confident and comfortable recovery.
Remember, asking questions or expressing concerns to your surgeon or medical team is always welcome. You're encouraged to take an active role in your healthcare journey, and the team at the Ulster Independent Clinic is ready to support you.
We offer the following Gynaecology Surgeries at Ulster Independent Clinic:
This is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus, often recommended for conditions as diverse as persistent pelvic pain, certain types of cancer or uncontrollable vaginal bleeding. We offer both traditional and robotic surgeries for hysterectomy procedures.
If you have fibroids, this surgery might be recommended for you. It's designed to remove fibroids from your uterus.
This involves removing one or both ovaries. It's frequently implemented to treat ovarian cancer or significantly reduce the risk of developing it.
Also known as 'keyhole surgery', this minimally invasive procedure is typically used to diagnose or treat a range of gynaecological conditions. These could include ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, among others.
Endometriosis is not only a painful condition, but it's also frustrating as it can lower fertility rates and result in chronic pelvic and abdominal pain. This disease is complex and involves dysregulation of hormone expression, hormone receptor activation, and gene activation. Our endometriosis surgeries are carried out with utmost precision and patient care in mind. The procedure is primarily aimed at removing the endometrial cells growing outside the uterus. It is important to note that endometriosis can be treated medically with drugs or medicine, but for some individuals, surgery may be the preferred and recommended option for pain management and improving fertility. We offer both traditional and robotic surgeries for endometriosis procedures.
Colposcopy is another common gynaecological procedure performed at the Ulster Independent Clinic. This technique is primarily used to examine your cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of disease. If abnormal cervical cells are detected during a Pap smear, a colposcopy may be recommended.
Typically, a colposcopy is recommended if you've had an abnormal Pap smear. During the process, your doctor may spot an area that appears suspicious and may take a biopsy. This tissue sample can be analysed to determine the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells. This can be incredibly important for early detection and treatment.
Performed under local anesthesia, a colposcopy usually takes about 15-30 minutes. The process involves using a special instrument called a colposcope. This instrument, which functions like a microscope, allows the gynaecologist to see the tissues of the cervix, vulva, and vagina closely. If your doctor spots an area which may contain abnormal cells, a small tissue sample, or biopsy, may be taken for further testing.
Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy is a procedure aimed at correcting defects in the anterior (front) and posterior (back) vaginal walls.
In your journey towards better health, you might find yourself needing this surgery due to conditions such as urinary incontinence or a prolapsed uterus, conditions that can severely affect your everyday life and wellbeing.
This surgical procedure is primarily conducted to provide you relief from the uncomfortable and potentially painful symptoms these conditions might bear. The overall approach involves resection of peritoneum, uterosacral ligament, posterior vagina, anterior rectum, and intestine, either by shaving or resection with anastomosis in order to repair the pelvic floor and correct the vaginal wall defects. Surgical instruments will be carefully inserted through small openings and your medical team will use a special thin tube equipped with a light and a camera to guide the process and assure precision.
This surgery is particularly recommended when there's a significant weakening of the pelvic floor muscles leading to pelvic organ prolapse. The ligament is used as a supportive structure to reposition and secure a prolapsed organ.
The main reason you may need a sacrospinous fixation is due to pelvic organ prolapse, which is a condition that primarily affects women who have given birth, undergone menopause, or have experienced severe strain on the pelvic floor muscles. When the muscular support for your pelvic organs weakens, you may experience discomfort, urinary or bowel problems, and even sexual difficulties. Sacrospinous fixation can help alleviate these symptoms by providing a new 'anchor' for the prolapsed organ.
The surgeon uses a special suture, guided by a specially designed needle, to attach the prolapsed organ to the sacrospinous ligament in your pelvis. Once everything is securely positioned, the sutures are tied and the incisions made for the procedure are sewn up. Rest assured that you will be under general anaesthesia throughout the procedure, so you won't feel a thing.
The process can generally be broken down into three major steps: diagnosis, operative procedure, and recovery. After preliminary examinations and tests confirm a condition, the consultant will discuss appropriate treatment options tailored to your unique situation.
The surgery itself will be carried out by skilled experts, using state-of-the-art technology. Different procedures require different types of anaesthesia and duration in surgery.
Post-operative care is a crucial part of the recovery process. This often includes rest, medication for pain or discomfort, physiotherapy if needed, and regular follow-up appointments. Remember, no question is trivial when it comes to your health. Make sure to discuss all your concerns with your healthcare provider before and after the surgery.
We have a multidisciplinary team on hand to provide the highest possible standard of care and our dedicated team are here to support you every step of the way.
We recognise that every woman is unique, and thus, our approach to care is personalised and comprehensive, to suit your exact circumstances.
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine focused on the health of your eyes. Surgeries in this field are performed by specialised doctors known as Ophthalmologists, who are experts trained in both medical and surgical care for a vast range of eye-related conditions. We offer a comprehensive suite of treatments, procedures, and surgeries, detailed below:
This is the most commonly performed eye surgery. If you have a clouded eye lens due to cataracts, this surgery is undertaken to replace the clouded lens with a synthetic clear one helping you regain normal vision.
Glaucoma is a condition that damages your eye's optic nerve - the health of which is critical for good vision. This surgery aims to reduce the pressure in the eye, thus preventing further damage to the optic nerve.
For individuals suffering from a damaged or diseased cornea, this surgery replaces the problematic cornea with donated corneal tissue.
Squint Surgery
We offer both bilateral and unilateral surgical correction of squint, or strabismus. Strabismus is an ocular condition where the eyes don't align properly, and instead, each eye looks in a different direction. For those who have this condition, it could lead to deteriorated vision or even loss of depth perception. Luckily, our clinic offers appropriate surgical interventions to correct this, helping you regain appropriate ocular alignment and improving your overall vision health.
Bilateral Squint Surgery
In this instance, both eyes are corrected during the same procedure. During surgical correction, your ophthalmologist will adjust the length or positioning of eye muscles, in order to realign your eyes. This type of surgery is typically considered when the squint affects both eyes.
Unilateral Squint Surgery
As compared to the bilateral surgery, the unilateral squint surgery is performed on one eye only. This is an ideal treatment if only one eye is affected. Our clinic ensures precision and safety during the operation, immensely reducing the risk of any post-operative complications.
Correction of ectropion upper and lower lid
Ectropion refers to the condition where the eyelid turns outwards, while entropion is when it rolls inwards - both can lead to discomfort and damage to the eye. This procedure rectifies such anomalies, reinstating both the functionality and aesthetics of your eyelids.
Drainage of conjunctival cyst
This is a minor procedure often performed under local anaesthesia to alleviate discomfort and potential vision obstruction. This process involves surgical removal of the fluid-filled sac (cyst) that has formed under the conjunctiva, the clear tissue covering the white part of your eye.
This surgery may be required if you have a blocked tear duct causing persistent watery eyes or infections. The process involves creating a new pathway for tears to drain from your eye by bypassing the blocked part of your tear duct. During the surgery, a small metal or plastic tube is inserted and later removed to ensure the new tear duct remains open.
Initially, a consultation is necessary to discuss your specific condition and evaluate the most suitable procedure for you with an experienced ophthalmologist. This involves a comprehensive eye examination to diagnose your eye's current state, including vision tests, eye muscle balance, and other critical factors. The detail shared in this session equips you with an understanding of the underlying problem, the proposed solution, and the intricacies of the surgical process.
Following the consultation, you'll be scheduled for the specific type of surgery. There may be preparation procedures where your ophthalmologist might instruct you to follow a certain eating, drinking, and medication regimen before the surgery.
The day of the surgery is meticulously planned. The surgical process will depend on the type of ophthalmology surgery - but rest assured, ensuring your comfort is a priority. Sedation or local anaesthesia is typically used. During the surgery, you can expect the ophthalmologist to use specialised instruments and techniques to treat the specific eye condition.
Post-surgery, you can expect to go through a healing period, during which time you will have post-operative reviews. This involves monitoring your recovery and catching any complications at an early stage. In these reviews, your surgeon will give advice on things like symptom management, medication, and activities to avoid during your recovery.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, we specialise in a range of paediatric surgeries. One of which includes paediatric orthopaedic surgery. This is essential when your child requires crucial medical intervention to correct conditions affecting bones, joints, and muscles. It’s often needed for conditions such as scoliosis, clubfoot, hip dysplasia, as well as limb length differences.
Another common procedure is paediatric general surgery. This surgery typically covers conditions like hernia, appendicitis, or issues related to the liver, pancreas and gall bladder among others. If your child suffers from persistent stomach pains, vomiting, or changes in bowel habits, they might need this kind of surgical intervention.
As part of our mission to offer comprehensive healthcare for children, we also provide paediatric ENT surgeries encompassing common procedures like tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and grommet insertion. Such surgeries are usually recommended when your child experiences frequent ear infections, snoring, sleep apnea, difficulty in swallowing, or hearing loss.
Additionally, our team performs paediatric urological surgeries especially when it comes to issues with the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and genitalia. This is crucial for conditions such as undescended testes, urinary tract infections, or bedwetting issues which may indicate a deeper problem requiring surgery.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, a range of paediatric endoscopy services are offered. Endoscopy is a non-surgical procedure that allows doctors to examine the body's internal organs and passages using a tool called an endoscope, which is a flexible tube with a light and camera attached. This procedure can be used to diagnose various conditions and can also be used to perform certain types of surgeries.
The most common type of paediatric endoscopy offered is a diagnostic oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD). This procedure is especially useful to diagnose issues related to the oesophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum. OGD includes a forceps biopsy, biopsy urease test, and a dye spray. These additional procedures help doctors get a deeper understanding of any potential issues and enable them to diagnose more precisely.
If your child is experiencing any digestive problems, they might be referred to the Ulster Independent Clinic for a paediatric colonoscopy. This procedure, known as a Diagnostic oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) and immediate colonoscopy, includes forceps biopsies, a biopsy test, and a dye spray. It's a minimally invasive procedure often required for children presenting with potential gastroenterological issues.
This procedure allows paediatric doctors to visually examine your child's gastrointestinal tract to identify and diagnose any potential issues. By using a small camera and light source, doctors can provide high-quality images of the digestive tract, aiding in a more accurate diagnosis and better treatment planning. Subtle issues that may be missed by other diagnostic methods are often detectable using this procedure.
Why might my child need a paediatric colonoscopy? A few reasons could be persistent abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, chronic diarrhoea, or a family history of gastrointestinal disease. This procedure is an essential tool in diagnosing and managing these and many other gastroenterological conditions in children.
Before the procedure, your child would need to undergo a 'bowel prep', which typically involves a clear liquid diet and medication to cleanse their system. On the day of the procedure, they would be sedated to ensure they're comfortable and free from distress. The procedure itself can take 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the situation.
Our team of expert paediatricians performs an array of paediatric surgeries that your child might need for various reasons. One such procedure is the Diagnostic Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD), a standard procedure often performed to diagnose issues concerning the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
OGD is a procedure that involves the use of a flexible tube with a camera on the end, inserted through the mouth, to visualise the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. The procedure also includes forceps biopsy, biopsy urease testing, and dye spray. This approach provides a non-invasive way of detecting diseases like ulcers, tumours, and inflammation, which may not be evident through other, less intensive testing methods.
Another similar procedure offered is the Diagnostic Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) and immediate colonoscopy. This test also includes forceps biopsies, biopsy test, and dye spray as sole procedures. The colonoscopy portion allows for visualisation and examination of the lower gastrointestinal tract, making this combined procedure a comprehensive tool for diagnosing a broad range of possible conditions.
A comprehensive discussion with your child’s surgeon to learn about the available surgical options, the benefits, and any possible risks.
Several tests are carried out to ensure your child is healthy enough to undergo surgery, and to avoid any potential complications.
This is the actual operation under general anaesthesia, performed by a team led by your child’s surgeon.
This phase involves carefully monitoring your child's recovery including the administration of medicines, pain management, and regular follow-up appointments.
Rest assured, at the Ulster Independent Clinic, we'll guide you every step of the way, ensuring a comfortable and safe experience for you and your child.
The Clinic offers a range of cosmetic surgeries including:
This surgery helps reduce visible signs of aging in the face and neck area. The procedure primarily involves tightening loose skin, which consequently smooths out deep lines.
This surgery aims at improving the shape and tone of underlying body tissues. In particular, it targets the abdomen, breasts, thighs, and arms, giving them a more defined appearance.
Rhinoplasty is a procedure that modifies the nose's shape or improves its function.
A mastopexy or 'breast lift' is a surgical procedure that raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue. It's aim is to reshape and support the new breast contour.
This procedure, also known as 'eyelid surgery', is designed to remove excess fat deposits and drooping skin around the eyes, which can obstruct vision and often make you look older than you are.
It all begins with an initial consultation. You’ll meet with your surgeon who will discuss your aesthetic goals and health history. Once you’re both satisfied and agree on a suitable method of treatment, you'll be scheduled for surgery. Remember, this is a comprehensive process that encompasses pre-operative preparation, the surgery itself and then post-operative aftercare.
Before the day of your surgery, the Ulster Independent Clinic ensures holistic pre-operative preparation. This involves routine medical check-ups to affirm optimal health, guidance on any lifestyle modifications needed, such as diet or medication adjustments, all whilst providing you with complete details about the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes.
On the day of your surgery, you're in caring and competent hands. The clinic boasts professional, highly skilled, and experienced surgical teams who direct their expertise towards your wellbeing and aesthetic goals. Whether it's a minimally invasive procedure such as dermal fillers, or more intensive surgeries like breast augmentation, face lifts, or liposuction, meticulous attention to detail and adherence to safety protocols is a constant.
Once successfully completed, your surgeon will take the time to thoroughly explain the specifics of the recovery process. Depending on the type of surgery you've had, this will include information on wound care, medication management, possible symptoms to watch for, and scheduling follow-up visits. It is within these follow-up appointments where your surgeon will monitor your recovery and ensure optimal healing.
We operate a range of Urology Surgeries including:
This is an inspection procedure that uses a cystoscope to examine the bladder and the urethra. Under local anaesthesia, a thin tube equipped with a lens is inserted into the urethra and then gradually into the bladder. The process allows for diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting these areas.
Among the most common surgeries conducted at Ulster is the Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP). This involves endoscopically removing prostate tissue to relieve urinary symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate. The procedure has undergone immense evolution, improving patient outcomes significantly. We offer both traditional and robotic surgeries for prostate procedures.
This surgical procedure is geared towards male sterilisation or long-term contraception. In its simplicity, a vasectomy involves the severing or sealing off of the vas deferens, hence preventing sperm from reaching the semen.
Performed by a competent consultant urologist, circumcision involves the surgical removal of the foreskin covering the head of the penis. This outpatient procedure has a quick recovery time and is performed under local or general anaesthesia according to preference and specific recommendations.
A hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac that surrounds a testicle, leading to swelling in the scrotum. It's a condition that can occur at any age but is particularly common in newborns and men over the age of 40.
The process of handling hydroceles starts with a consultation. It involves the urologist examining the nature of the swelling to confirm it's a hydrocele. Advanced medical tools may be used to illuminate the swelling; if it glows, then this confirms the presence of fluid. Also, an ultrasound might be used to ensure there is no underlying issue such as a tumour.
Once the diagnosis has been made, the methodology of this surgery involves making a small incision in the scrotum or inguinal area, enabling the surgeon to gain access to the hydrocele. They then drain the fluid and may remove the sac to prevent the fluid from accumulating once more. A dressing is then applied, and generally, the patient can return home the same day.
When you hear the term "biopsy," you may immediately think of invasive procedures with lots of downtime. However, with advancements in modern medicine, many biopsies can be performed quickly, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to your life. One such procedure is the transperineal template-guided biopsy of the prostate, which is performed commonly at the Ulster Independent Clinic.
The procedure is performed under image guidance. This means doctors use real-time imaging to guide the needle accurately to the prostate tissue. To ensure patient comfort, light sedation or local anaesthesia is usually employed.
This technique has a dual advantage. First, it helps ensure that we collect a representative sample from different areas of the prostate. Second, it can provide a more comprehensive diagnosis and targeted treatment, especially in patients with a history of previously negative biopsies but with a high suspicion of prostate cancer.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, cutting-edge technology is utilised for effective management and treatment of bladder and kidney stones. The clinic practices Holmium Laser Lithotripsy, an advanced surgical technique that uses a laser to break down the kidney stones into smaller pieces, which can then be naturally passed out of the body. This surgery also involves the use of cystoscopy and insertion or removal of a stent, which aids in the process of stone removal. The entire procedure, usually taking between one and five sessions, is managed with precision and diligence by experienced consultant urologists.
Bladder Examination and Biopsy: The clinic performs a Diagnostic endoscopic examination known as a flexible cystoscopy. This procedure is employed to examine the bladder visually, aiding in the diagnosis of conditions that affect the bladder. Furthermore, the operation may include a biopsy where necessary. This procedure ranges from five to fifty sessions at the Ulster Independent Clinic, executed by professional urologists who ensure a comprehensive and accurate analysis.
Urological Prosthesis: The Ulster Independent Clinic's range of urological procedures also extends to the Endoscopic insertion or removal of prosthesis into the ureter. This procedure, performed under the expert guidance of an experienced urologist, includes urethral prosthesis and bilateral cystoscopy, which may or may not involve pyelography. This specialised operation spans one to five sessions.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, a variety of vascular surgeries are available, allowing you to address a broad range of circulatory system concerns and conditions. Vascular surgery is a unique medical specialty concerned with diseases of the vascular system - a complex network of blood vessels responsible for circulating blood throughout your body. These diseases can range from cosmetic issues like varicose veins to life-threatening conditions like aneurysms and stroke.
Our Vascular surgeons are extensively trained to provide surgical treatments, minimally invasive procedures, as well as medical management for vascular diseases. This means that they can provide holistic care that is tailored to individual patient needs and circumstances.
Common reasons include blockages in your arteries (also known as atherosclerosis), aneurysms, varicose veins, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). You might also need a vascular procedure if you require dialysis for kidney disease, as the surgical creation of a dialysis access point improves the efficacy and safety of your treatment.
The process involved in these surgeries includes a consultation with your surgeon to discuss your condition and treatment options, pre-operative tests and preparations, the operation itself, and post-operative recovery and follow-up care.
An endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure that utilises a flexible tube equipped with a light and camera to view the patient's digestive tract. It provides your doctor with a close inspection of your digestive system enabling them to diagnose, and sometimes treat, underlying conditions. It is an invaluable diagnostic tool for many gastrointestinal disorders.
There are several potential reasons why you may require a endoscopy. If you're experiencing symptoms like abdominal pain, chest pain, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, or bleeding in the digestive tract, an endoscopy might be recommended. It's also a common to have a follow-up.
Your endoscopy commences with a pre-procedure consultation. During this meeting, your physician will extensively explain the process and address any questions or concerns you might have. This isn't just a formality; understanding every aspect of the procedure can greatly relieve any anxiety you may be experiencing.
After your consultation, you'll be prepared for the procedure. This usually involves fasting for a certain period beforehand and may include the administration of a mild sedative to keep you relaxed during the procedure. This usually makes you drowsy, but awake enough to respond to instructions. Once you're ready, an expertly trained endoscopist will use a specialised instrument called an endoscope to examine your digestive tract. Rest assured, the team at the Ulster Independent Clinic is committed to providing a seamless and virtually painless experience for every patient.
A colonoscopy is a crucial health procedure which is performed to explore the insides of your colon. It's primarily used to detect colon cancer early on, but it's also effective in identifying a variety of other gastrointestinal problems.
A colonoscope, a long and flexible tube with a small camera attached at the end, is used to view the internal lining of your colon. This procedure is an outpatient one, which means, you could go home on the same day.
It's normal to feel some level of anxiety but having a clear understanding of the procedure can make the experience less daunting. During the procedure, the doctor carefully inserts the colonoscope into your rectum and moves it around your colon to identify any abnormalities. If polyps are found, they are usually removed on spot to prevent them from turning cancerous.
After the procedure, you might feel a little bloated or get cramps in your abdomen. This is usually because of the air pumped into the colon during the procedure. However, these discomforts are temporary and should dissipate in a few hours. It's advised that you have someone who can take you home after the procedure as you will need some rest to recover.
A Gastroscopy is an advanced diagnostic procedure that provides a detailed view of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Gastroscopy is a vital tool for detecting a range of conditions. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to visualise not just the stomach, but also the oesophagus and the beginning of the small intestine.
Symptoms: Some common symptoms that might require a gastroscopy include persistent abdominal pain, chronic heartburn, unexplained weight loss, persistent nausea or vomiting. Additionally, it helps in diagnosing gastrointestinal conditions like gastritis, stomach ulcers, or conditions like Hypothyroidism, which can indirectly affect your gastrointestinal tract.
Leading up to the procedure, you may have a series of appointments where a medical professional will walk you through what to expect and how to prepare. As a patient, adult or child, you may be required to fast for a number of hours to ensure an empty stomach for improved visibility during the procedure.
Chronic pain is any pain persisting for more than 12 weeks despite appropriate treatment. It's different from acute pain, which is a normal sensation alerting us to possible injury. Chronic pain can arise from an initial injury, such as a back sprain, or there might be an ongoing cause, like illness. However, there may be no clear cause at all. Moreover, pain can be felt in nearly any part of the body and can lead to significant psychological and emotional trauma.
Managing chronic pain is of great priority at the Ulster Independent Clinic. We follow a multidisciplinary approach, involving anaesthesiologists, pharmacologists, physiotherapists, and even psychologists in the process. The aim is not just to provide relief from pain but also to restore functionality and improve the patient's quality of life.
This management takes into account:
At the heart of our chronic pain management model is the application of tailored treatment strategies. These are designed with the acute understanding that every patient's pain experience is unique. Each strategy often incorporates different forms of therapy, balancing pharmacological interventions with psychological and physical treatments.
Pharmacological interventions might sound daunting, but it’s a simple term for using medications to treat your pain. Depending on your specific situation, you may get a recommendation for over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), prescription medications, or in extreme cases, opioid medications. Each option is weighed carefully, considering potential benefits and risks, and tailored to your specific needs and characteristics.
Non-drug pain management approaches are equally important in pain management. You may be introduced to physical therapies like exercise, massage, or hot and cold treatments, which can help to reduce pain and improve your function. Psychological treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, are employed to help you navigate the emotional challenges that can accompany chronic pain, and assist you to manage your pain more effectively.
The management plan is periodically revisited to evaluate its effectiveness and adjust treatment techniques accordingly. Through feedback from you and ongoing assessment by our team, changes can be made to ensure you continue to receive the best care.
Spinal surgery involves procedures that aim to change the structure of the spine in order to alleviate pain or correct a debilitating condition. These operations range from minimally invasive procedures, like decompressions, where pressure on the spinal cord or nerves is relieved, to more in-depth procedures such as a posterior excision of a disc or primary posterior fusion of a disc.
Decompacting the spinal column can be highly beneficial for individuals suffering from pain or discomfort due to conditions like herniated discs or spinal stenosis. By performing this surgery, private medical practitioners aim to create enough space around the nerves and spinal cord, thus relieving pressure that may have resulted from spinal irregularities.
Also referred to as a discectomy, this procedure involves the removal of a disc from the spine, typically undertaken when a disc has become damaged or when a bulging disc is pressurising the spinal nerves, causing significant discomfort.
For those patients experiencing instability in their spine, a primary posterior fusion may be recommended. This surgery essentially merges two vertebrae together, commonly with the assistance of a bone graft. This fusion is designed to imitate the natural healing process of broken bones, hence creating a single, stable, vertebral structure that may help alleviate back pain.
Focusing on the neck region or the cervical part of the spine, cervical disc surgery becomes pertinent when a disc in the neck is causing pain or disability. This typically involves either a discectomy, where the offending disc is removed, or a disc replacement, which sees an artificial disc being inserted in the cleared space.
Preparing for spinal surgery involves several steps. Firstly, it's crucial to discuss thoroughly with your consultant about the procedure, risks, and expected recovery time. Clarifying any concerns or queries will help you approach the surgery with composure. Also, certain lifestyle changes would be required prior to the surgery like cessation of smoking and control of blood sugar levels to mitigate surgical risks and promote healing post procedure. Lastly, you may be asked to prehabilitate - to exercise and build strength, especially in the area around the spine to be operated on, ensuring a smoother surgical experience and quicker recovery.
Depending on your specific needs and health situation, there are several types of breast surgeries that can be performed. Here's a brief rundown:
Once you've decided on the most suitable procedure, the next step is preparation. Prior to surgery, you'll have a series of meetings with your consultation to discuss your medical history, conduct a physical exam, and discuss your expectations and concerns.
We strive to provide an array of top-tier plastic services that can assist an individual in navigating through their surgical journey with professionalism and compassion. Your comfort, safety, and satisfaction are our highest priorities. Each procedure has been perfected over the years through the dedication and expertise of their team.
Repetitive motion injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome, can have a significant impact on your everyday life. We offer advanced treatments to counter this ailment. You can expect thorough testing to determine the severity of the condition first, followed by a comprehensive treatment plan that may include surgical intervention if necessary.
The Ulster Independent Clinic provides comprehensive treatment specifically tailored to your needs and diagnosis. Our specialists possess the knowledge and experience to perform complex procedures.
The Ulster Independent Clinic’s innovative Dupuytren’s release procedure coupled with skin grafts or flaps offers hope to those dealing with this debilitating condition. The process involves removing or breaking apart the thickened tissue in the hand, followed by the use of skin grafts or flaps to promote the healing process and restore the functionality of the hand.
This procedure smooths out lines and creases in the forehead while raising brows that have dropped or become hooded over time.
Getting ready for a plastic surgery procedure at the Ulster Independent Clinic is a multi-step process that involves consultation, preparation, the procedure itself, and post-surgery recovery. Let's break that down further:
The first step is always an in-depth consultation with your consultant. This is your opportunity to discuss your expectations, potential risks, and the desired outcome. Use this time to ask questions and address any concerns. The consultant will also evaluate your health history and current physical state to determine the best approach for your treatment.
Preparing for plastic surgery at Ulster Independent Clinic is an essential step to ensure your procedure's success and ease your recovery. This process generally involves three key areas: medical, lifestyle, and mental preparations.
Your consultant will likely require a pre-operative examination or tests to verify your health before proceeding. This might include blood tests and, in certain circumstances, cardiac or other specialised health screenings. Adherence to your surgeon's medication guidance is important, especially if adjustments in your regular medication regimen are needed.
Both smoking and heavy drinking can complicate surgery and the healing process, so you'll be asked to stop these at least a few weeks before your surgery. You should also aim to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise routine - this isn't the time for major weight changes. The night before, you generally need to fast - this usually means no food or drink after midnight.
Preparing mentally is just as essential. It's natural to experience a range of emotions - excitement, nervousness, or apprehension - before undergoing surgery. Perhaps discuss any concerns or anxieties with your surgeon during your consultation. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of what to expect during and after the procedure can help alleviate any stress or worry you may be feeling.
Remember, our staff at Ulster Independent Clinic are dedicated to helping you through every step of this journey. Ensuring you feel informed, prepared, and as comfortable as possible is our top priority.
Endocrinology focuses on hormones and the endocrine system. It is the precision science of hormonal balance; the deftness to diagnose, treat, and manage a variety of hormonal disorders, keeping your body in perfect synergy.
As one of the body's control systems, the endocrine system regulates a vast array of bodily functions, from metabolism and growth to mood and sleep cycles. It deals with problems that could affect any part of this system, from the glands that produce hormones to the intricate hormonal pathways that keep your body functioning optimally.
A thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of part or all of the thyroid gland. It's typically conducted to treat conditions like thyroid cancer, goitre, or hyperthyroidism.
In a parathyroidectomy, one or more of the parathyroid glands are removed. It's often undertaken to treat hyperparathyroidism, a condition causing excessive calcium in the blood.
Surgical intervention might be necessary for major salivary glands in case of tumours, infections, or stones. This type of surgery entails the exact removal or treatment of the gland(s), ensuring minimal impact on the surrounding structures.
When you come to the Ulster Independent Clinic for endocrinology, the process typically begins with a detailed consultation. This involves a thorough personal and medical history discussion, followed by a comprehensive examination. Blood tests and imaging scans might be ordered as well to provide a complete picture of your endocrine health. If diagnosed with a hormonal disorder, treatment might involve medication, lifestyle changes, or in more severe cases, surgery.
To prepare for an endocrinology appointment, it's crucial to have all your previous medical records, current medications and any relevant family history details at hand. If you've had any recent tests done, especially any related to your current symptoms, bring those along too. Finally, list any questions or concerns you have about your health, so you can discuss them with the endocrinologist.
Imagine stepping into the future of surgical procedures, where precision, control, and dexterity are optimised to unprecedented levels. Well, the good news is, you no longer have to imagine - the future is here at the Ulster Independent Clinic. We are at the forefront of medical advancements, offering Robotic-Assisted Surgery with da Vinci Systems specifically for Gynaecology and Urology surgeries.
Simply put, Robotic-Assisted Surgery is exactly as it sounds. It's a type of minimally invasive surgery where the surgeon's hands are replaced by very small robotic instruments that can move in ways human hands can't. These are controlled by the surgeon from a console, ensuring an incredibly high level of precision.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic we cover an extensive array of procedures for hips, knees, upper limbs, and feet/ankles. Our unrivalled blend of experienced orthopaedic surgeons and state-of-the-art medical technology ensures that you'll receive a first-class treatment designed according to your unique needs.
Our orthopaedic surgical services range from total hip replacement to hip arthroscopy. These procedures are designed to treat a breadth of conditions like osteoarthritis, hip fractures, and hip dysplasia.
Joint replacement
We specialise in a wide range of hip replacement surgeries. Depending on your condition, you may need a total hip replacement, hip resurfacing, or a partial hip replacement.
Before any surgical process begins, our specialised medical team will carry out a thorough pre-assessment to ensure you’re healthy enough for surgery. This could include blood tests, scans or physical examinations. You may also be required to undergo lifestyle changes such as losing weight or quitting smoking to lower the risk of complications during surgery.
Hip Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows surgeons to diagnose and treat various hip conditions. You'll appreciate the clinic's state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical techniques which facilitate swift recovery.
Before the procedure, the surgical team conducts a thorough health check which includes blood tests, medical imaging, and conversations about your health history and medications. You may need to stop taking certain medications and supplements ahead of your surgery. Fasting guidelines will also be provided as per standard pre-operative practice.
This procedure can effectively treat a wide range of hip conditions, including labral tears, hip impingement, and arthritis, with fewer complications compared to open surgery. It is performed under general anesthesia and recovery time is relatively short, most patients being able to return home on the same day. Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, hip orthopaedic surgical services range from hip arthroscopy, hip resurfacing, to partial and total hip replacement surgeries.
During a hip arthroscopy, small incisions are made to utilise miniature surgical instruments, providing a minimal-invasive procedure with lower risks and faster recovery. Hip resurfacing, on the other hand, involves shaving and capping the joint with a metal prosthesis, which preserves more bone than a total hip replacement and is often recommended for younger, active patients who are likely to outlive a traditional total hip replacement.
Partial and total hip replacements are highly successful procedures for those with severe arthritis or injuries. A partial hip replacement only replaces the ball of the hip joint, while a total hip replacement replaces both the ball and the socket.
In preparation for any of these surgeries, patients will need to undergo a comprehensive health evaluation, anaesthesia consultation, and may need to make lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or losing weight. You will also be advised on the rehabilitation process and potential need for assistive devices post-surgery.
We offer comprehensive orthopaedic care for a variety of knee conditions. Our expert surgeons specialise in knee arthroscopy, partial knee replacement, and total knee replacement using the most up-to-date techniques and technology. The LSS (Lean Systems Society) approach is also employed to effectively reduce stays for knee replacement patients.
We offer tailored knee replacement surgery aimed at helping patients regain full knee functionality and improve their quality of life. The process entails replacing the damaged portions of the knee joint with artificial components.
is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows surgeons to view, diagnose, and treat problems inside your knee joint. Here at the Ulster Independent Clinic, we have a team of surgeons with vast experience in performing arthroscopic surgeries. This procedure could range from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the extent of the knee joint's condition.
Before the surgery, tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-rays may be necessary to assess your knee's situation. Our specialists will explain the procedure and also discuss with you the potential risks and benefits involved.
After the surgery, you are likely to be discharged the same day. Our healthcare team will provide you with instructions for at-home care, and a follow-up appointment will be made for you to monitor your recovery progress.
ACL, short for Anterior Cruciate Ligament, a key ligament that helps stabilise your knee joint. At the Ulster Independent Clinic, various cutting-edge ACL repair and reconstruction procedures are carried out by experienced orthopaedic surgeons. These surgeries aim to restore the stability and function of your knee, allowing for a smoother and faster recovery.
Orthopaedic knee stabilisation is a pivotal service provided at the Ulster Independent Clinic, aiming to restore full functionality to your knee. This service may be most pertinent if you are experiencing instability in your knee due to conditions such as torn ligaments or osteoarthritis. Procedures undertaken here can vary in scope, including ACL repairs, knee replacement, or more intricate surgeries. Each procedure is custom-tailored to your unique needs, ensuring optimal patient outcomes and a faster return to normal activities.
Patello femoral replacement is a surgical procedure involving the replacement of the damaged parts of the kneecap (patella) and the trochlea (the groove at the end of the thigh bone or femur). This beneficial process is designed to alleviate chronic pain and increase mobility.
Our services for upper limbs cover everything from reconstructive surgery to the treatments for conditions like rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow, and wrist conditions.
Upper limb stabilisation is a critical surgical procedure performed at the Ulster Independent Clinic. This operation on focuses restoring the function and stability of the upper extremities, which include the shoulders, arms, and hands. The procedure can address various medical conditions, ranging from fractures to ligament injuries, and repetitive strain injuries.
Our team of highly skilled surgeons can diagnose and treat the painful condition through a variety of ways. Playing tennis is not the only way to develop this condition, it can also occur from any repetitive arm, elbow, or wrist movements.
Typically, non-surgical methods like physiotherapy, rest, and medication will be attempted first. However, if your condition persists or worsens, surgical intervention might be necessary. The goal of the surgery is to remove the damaged tendon to alleviate pain and restore motion.
Our orthopaedic services under feet and ankles category cover a wide range from bunion surgeries to treatments for foot and ankle fractures or deformities.
The surgery involves substituting worn-out joint surfaces with an artificial implant that is constructed of materials designed to reduce friction and mimic the natural joint's function. The goal is to restore joint function, relieve chronic pain, and ultimately enhance quality of life. Before undergoing any surgical procedure, patients are given access to preoperative counselling. This includes receiving comprehensive information about what to expect, risks, benefits, and recommended pre surgery exercises. It’s vital to understand that an optimal surgery outcome also depends on the patient's efforts in preparation and post-operative recovery.
Along with the surgical team's expertise, we leverage the power of technology to make the procedures less invasive and improve recovery times. Using the latest techniques, such as arthroscopy (minimally invasive surgery), recovery times are typically improved, and patients are on a faster track to resume their normal activities.
Ligament repair procedures on the feet and ankles are a primary focus at the Ulster Independent Clinic, carried out by our extensively trained and experienced orthopaedic surgeons. These operations are typically required for conditions like sprains, tears, or other forms of ligament damage. Optimal patient outcomes are always our key objective, and it's worth underlining that the timing of such surgeries is crucial in achieving this.
Tendons, being the fibrous tissues that bridge muscles and bones, play an integral role in foot and ankle movement. Damage to these tendons, whether through sudden injuries or repetitive activity, can compromise your overall capacity to walk or run comfortably.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, dedicated teams of experienced orthopaedic surgeons execute state-of-the-art procedures to remedy your tendon challenges. These advanced surgical interventions include open repairs for severe tendons rupture, percutaneous repairs for minimised scarring, and several therapeutic measures that ensure effective recovery and regeneration.
Post-operative care integrates the clinic's physiotherapy consultations to ensure continued and rapid recovery.
Tendons, being the fibrous tissues that bridge muscles and bones, play an integral role in foot and ankle movement. Damage to these tendons, whether through sudden injuries or repetitive activity, can compromise your overall capacity to walk or run comfortably.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, dedicated teams of experienced orthopaedic surgeons execute state-of-the-art procedures to remedy your tendon challenges. These advanced surgical interventions include open repairs for severe tendons rupture, percutaneous repairs for minimised scarring, and several therapeutic measures that ensure effective recovery and regeneration.
The time required for surgery varies. Post-operative care integrates the clinic's physiotherapy consultations to ensure continued and rapid recovery.
At the Ulster Independent Clinic, we understand the gravity of a feet or ankle amputation, and make every effort to provide a treatment plan personalised to meet your distinct needs. It's an essential service offered when preserving the foot or ankle is no longer a viable or beneficial option. The procedure aims at enhancing your mobility and reducing the pain, hence steering you towards a more comfortable life.
The process starts with a thorough evaluation of your condition, involving a series of diagnostic tests. Your surgeon plans the operation meticulously, outlining the degree of the amputation based on the extent and location of the damage, alongside your overall health status and lifestyle. Anaesthesia is administered to ensure you remain pain-free during the procedure.
Post-amputation, our highly skilled caregivers and therapists are on hand to support your rehabilitation phase, offering techniques for you to regain movement and independence. It's essential to note that full recovery may take several months and might involve fitting a prosthetic limb, depending on your individual case.
Achilles repair surgeries are highly specialised procedures offered at Ulster Independent Clinic that involve the surgical mending of a torn or ruptured Achilles tendon. The surgery aims to reconnect your calf muscles with the heel bone to restore mobility and strength.
The Clinic's reputable surgical team takes utmost care throughout the preoperative, operative, and postoperative phases of the repair. The process begins by using grafting techniques, potentially using a part of the patient's hamstring or synthetic tissue, to bridge the gap between the torn tendon ends. Surgeons then secure the restored Achilles tendon to its original position, helping ensure a full recovery.
To prepare for this procedure, patients are encouraged to strengthen the muscles around the Achilles tendon through targeted exercises, quit smoking (if applicable), and ensure good nutrition levels for robust healing processes.
The total recovery time varies between individuals, but an optimistic estimate stands at around six months after the operation. To aid in a speedy and efficient recovery, the Clinic provides continuous after-care services - including physiotherapy and consultation appointments.
In case of emergency outside of specified hours, rest assured that advice can be obtained from the Nurse-In-Charge. Ulster Independent Clinic's approach to Achilles Repairs ensures their patients have timely access to surgery, which is essential for optimal outcomes and a return to normal activities.
This is a surgical intervention where a bone is cut to modify its alignment or length, aiding to correct deformities related to foot and ankle conditions. It can provide immense relief from pain and significant improvement in mobility, enabling patients to return to their normal activities.
Performing an osteotomy requires superior surgical skill and precision, which surgeons at the Ulster Independent Clinic are acknowledged for. The procedure begins with a thorough assessment of the patient's condition, followed by detailed planning to ensure the best possible outcome. Utilising advanced diagnostic tools, the surgeons identify the deformity and strategise the osteotomy positioning.
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
Respiratory testing
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
Cardiac diagnostic tests are carried out by highly skilled, qualified and experienced physiologists and are reported on by leading consultants and are listed below.
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
Respiratory diagnostic tests are carried out by highly skilled, qualified and experienced physiologists and are reported on by leading consultants and are listed below.
If you have any questions about these tests, feel free to ask your consultant.
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From £
Joint injections
Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)
Price from £
Myringotomy & Grommet Insertion
Myringotomy & Adenoidectomy
Frenotomy / frenectomy of tongue
Septoplasty of nose
General Surgery
Price from £
Gall bladder
Hernia repair- Inguinal
Banding of haemorrhoids
Price from £
OGD (Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy)
Price from £
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Cystoscopy Flexible
Correction of hydrocele
Transperineal template-guided biopsies of the prostate
Price from £
Anterior and Posterior Repair
D & C Diagnostic
Hysteroscopy Diagnostic Only
Orthopaedic Upper Limb
Price from £
Shoulder Stabilisation
Shoulder Decompression
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression + AC Joint
Rotator Cuff Repair
Shoulder Arthroscopy
Carpel Tunnel
Wrist Arthroscopy
Orthopaedic Lower Limb
Price from £
Cruciate Ligament Repair
Knee Arthroscopy
Ankle Arthroscopy
Hip replacement
Knee replacement
Unicompartmental Knee Replacement
Hip Arthroscopy
Price from £
Squint Correction
Cardiac Investigation
Price from £
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
24hr ECG Holter Monitoring
ECG Holter Monitoring Up To 72 Hours
Exercise Ecg
Echocardiogram (Scan)
Echocardiography (Physiologist Reporting)
Bubble Study with Echocardiogram
Respiratory Investigation
Price from £
Home Sleep Study
Lung - Transfer Factor
Full Lung Function (Includes Reversibility)
Exhaled Nitric Oxide Test (Feno)
From £
Pre and Post-operative rehabilitation
Initial: £57.76
Review: £57.76
Initial: £57.76
Review: £57.76
Pelvic Health
Initial: £70.59
Review: £70.59
Initial: £96.26
Review: £70.59
Lymphodema Massage and Bandaging
Initial: £96.26
Review: £96.26
Lymphodema Massage
Initial: £78.29
Review: £78.29
From £
Pilates Class: 6 sessions
Pilates Class (via Zoom): 6 Sessions
AlterG: 15 mins
AlterG: 30mins
AlterG: 5 x 15 min sessions
AlterG: 5 x 30 min sessions
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