Bowel Diagnostics


Bowel Diagnostics

This clinic specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of conditions related to the digestive system, particularly the small bowel. All procedures carried out here, which include sigmoidoscopy (colon examination), are carried out by consultant gastroenterologists.

Bowel diagnostics are needed when you've been experiencing persistent gastrointestinal issues. This could range from chronic constipation to unexplained weight loss, or reoccurring pain in your abdomen. The clinic might recommend these tests to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms — whether it be a simple difficulty in digestion, annoying food intolerance or a more severe condition such as colorectal cancer.

Your journey toward bowel diagnostics will comprise of several stages:

  • Consultation: Discussing your symptoms and medical history with the doctor.
  • Physical examination: This may include an external inspection of your abdomen, rectum, and possibly a prostate exam for males.
  • Scans and imaging tests: To get a more detailed look at your bowels, you might need to undergo scans such as CTs, MRIs, or a colonoscopy.
  • Laboratory tests: Depending on your symptoms, you might need to provide a stool sample to test for bacteria, parasites, or other potential issues in your digestive system.

After these tests, your doctor will have a well-rounded understanding of your health and how to tackle any issues discovered.


Bowel Diagnostics

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