Susannah Hoey is a Consultant Dermatologist specialising in both adult and paediatric Dermatology. Her NHS practice is based in the Belfast Trust and she provides private clinics in the Ulster Independent clinic in Belfast.
Dr Hoey originally gained her MBChB from the University of Edinburgh, graduating in 1999. After completing her foundation training she went on to speciality training in Dermatology, earning her CCT in 2007.
She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) FRCP.
Dr Hoey sees private patients the first and second Wednesday evening every month (6 pm to 9 pm) and the third Saturday morning every month ( 9 am to 12 pm)
Types of conditions seen:
Paediatric dermatology
Eczema/Atopic dermatitis
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Vascular Birth marks: eg Haemangiomas & Vascular malformations
Connective Tissue Disorders
Naevi / Moles
Skin cancer
New Consultation:
Review Consultation:
Medico Legal:
Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS): £330
Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography (NCS & EMG): £420
Routine Electroencephalograph (EEG): £445
Sleep Deprived EEG: £495